Mexico and its Culture

The culture of a society is deeper that the eyes meet.
Like with an iceberg, we can only see a portion of the whole.
In this presentation we tell you more of what lies beneath the surface.

This is a two hour interactive presentation.
For up to 45 people we provide instructive hand-outs.
You are welcome to contact us for additional information.

Dan Benavidez -

Alex Laguna -

Bajo la Superficie
(Below the Surface)

Not all is as it appears
New demographics
Mexico overview

What made it so?

Mexico’s Tumultuous History
The Caste System
Foreign Influence
The Political System
The Police
The Military
The Catholic Church
The Economy
Imbedded Corruption

Time & Space
Educational System

© 2004 by D. Benavidez, A. Laguna

These are the major topics covered in our presentation.
The talk is dynamic and interactive with the audience.
By doing that, we may also fine-tune the interaction to your particular concerns.

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