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Industries & Businesses we serve

Existing Businesses

Running good, primed for Growth
Complacency is the worst enemy to remain ahead of the game. You are primed for Growth, then you may use our services to review your integrated strategy plan and its map, to sustain your competitive advantage, and for the long-term growth.

Managerial Foresight
The organization has been stable, but you as a visionary leader would like to plan for the long-term and be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Our services will help you model an integral view of your firm, creating the leading strategy map for the organization, to be better prepared for the future.

Need to improve
Better now than never! You should contact us now to assess your situation and plan short-term solutions to address current needs. We team up with you, to prepare a global strategy and its related map, for your business to make strides into the future.

We can provide you with tools to analyze, cope with, and steer change.

New and Entrepreneurial Businesses

Checklist on Concept and Startup
(Among many other items...)

Business Plan
Twelve-section document to request funds, either from private banks or via venture capitals.
This plan would include projected financial statements and backup information

Implementation plan
Based on the above checklist and business plan.

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