Excellence for Business Performance                               Strategy, Metrics, Data, Statistics

Great companies happen! …not by chance.
Discipline and a method will do.

Every business is a unique entity, hence you deserve, and you will receive specialized attention and services tailored to your company, suited to your own particular operation within your industry. Absolute confidentiality is assured to each one of our clients.

The methods you may acquire provide an integral approach for your business, to enable long-term growth. Obtain a solid analysis of problems, develop creative solutions, and practical implementation of solutions. For the short-term, solutions to current issues. For the mid-term, methods for the design of products and services and their deployment. For the long-term, the consolidation of operations and long term growth, through continued improvements and leadership development

Here is what you may obtain for your company.

   Short/Near Term         Mid Term         Long Term         Leadership         Clients  

Short or Near Term

Identify areas of opportunity with existing problems or where potential issues may arise. We have a wide set of Six Sigma tools, using the latest statistical techniques for problem analysis and resolution. These tools can be applied to business processes and manufacturing operations. Visit our page on statistics for additional details.

Data – Measurements allow for more predictable results in your operations. Data collection is a basic step to measure what you do, and learn about it. We will assist you with techniques for the retrieval of relevant information, do data mining, and to apply analytical and statistical methods.

Mid Term

Quality Systems
– Implement an overall quality system applicable beyond your main processes, extending to other departments and business units. Develop such systems using methods like the Balanced Score Card or the Baldrige criteria, for long-term lasting improvements. Find a description of the quality systems we support by visiting the link provided at the beginning of this paragraph.

StrategyIdentify the value proposition of your company, analyzing the creation and deployment of products and services, then the associated value chain. This is the basis for building the strategy map and understanding the full competitive environment within your industry. Ensure fitness among all actions to position your business ahead of the competition. Rest assured we will provide you with the tools and means of applying them, so you may repeat the process as often as needed.

Metrics – You can only know what you measure. Find or develop the proper measurements for your business processes, along all of its components (departments, units…).  Use these measurements to enable alignment of all company's activities with the corporate (main) strategy. From this point on, your organization can make forward strides in a systematic and quantifiable manner, assessing that progress is real, measurable, and according to plan.

Long Term

In addition to the tools for near and mid term solutions, you can progressively enhance your management systems within a continuous improvement cycle, turning yours from a good to a great company, and then build it to last! This allusion to the books by Professor Jim Collins is not casual, but an indication that we are offering the tools that will get you there..

Continual Improvement – Consolidation of the above activities would ensure sustained growth of the organization. This is enriched with clarification of the Vision and Mission statements, which are at the core of the corporate culture. We can assist you to identify these values.


Your organization deserves to have managers with leadership. Empowering your direct team and the extended teams is to exercise the power of true leadership, influence others to attain goals, developing excellence in the performance of your organization.

Moving the company in the right direction is not the sole responsibility of the head person. It has to be a team effort, where everyone is empowered to do their best within their area of responsibility.

Along with the tools for improvement, you would methodically build a management team in sync, developing leadership across the entire organization.

Manufacturing operations in high technology fields, and businesses in some service sectors are our typical clients. We work with medium-size companies and with small size and start-up operations as well. Visit the clients page for additional information.


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